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What can be the best Practice for a Rapid Web Application Development?

I am coming up with a web application which will be primarily based on PHP. I would like to know some of the best practices and technologies that I can make use of to come out with the app as fast as possible. My team will be working remotely, so I want to know the best ways of collaborating through web resources too. I'm expecting in here, the options or a framework of technologies that can get me a great app in a shorter time. I've given a small example out here. Please extend my plan and give me suggestions...

  1. Server Side Scripting - PHP (CakePHP for rapid development)
  2. Client Side Scripting - JS (JQuery - A JS framework for rapid development and compatibility)
  3. Authentication - OpenId
  4. Database - MySQL (Stable and OpenSource)

I want more to be added to this list so that I code less and reuse more. Please help me out.

Reusability is the key factor. How do I leverage already available classes, frameworks, etc in an efficient way? I want to know my options.


    • Try to find a framework that suit your needs. If you want reusability, make sure you learn/understand the concept of the MVC pattern (OOP). I personally work with Zend-Framework which has a very big community.

      (However, a good practice is building your own framework. Look at other frameworks and learn about the pro's and cons.)

    • Every project starts with an UML design:

    • Don't try to invent the wheel again, for example: learn/play with the 960 css grid, jQuery and different database-types.

    • Documentate everything!

    • Test everything

    • use subversion for easy access of previous versions of your project

    Good luck!!