I downloaded the Applozic Chat SDK for android. Currently I found that you can login to a user account with the username and any password. I am wonder how should I implement the code to have it check if the user entered the password correctly?
While doing Applozic Login/Register you need to set the user.setAuthenticationTypeId(User.AuthenticationType.APPLOZIC.getValue()); and set the password .If password is incorrect you will get the exception in onFailure of UserLoginTask there you can check for this string in exception Invalid uername/password
UserLoginTask.TaskListener listener = new UserLoginTask.TaskListener() {
public void onSuccess(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse, Context context) {
//After successful registration with Applozic server the callback will come here
public void onFailure(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse, Exception exception) {
//If any failure in registration the callback will come here
//Here Invalid uername/password exception will be thrown if password is wrong check for the string Invalid uername/password in exception
User user = new User();
user.setUserId(userId); //userId it can be any unique user identifier
user.setDisplayName(displayName); //displayName is the name of the user which will be shown in chat messages
user.setEmail(email); //optional
user.setImageLink("");//optional,pass your image link
user.setPassword(password);//Set the password
user.setAuthenticationTypeId(User.AuthenticationType.APPLOZIC.getValue());//You need to set the Authentication type
new UserLoginTask(user, listener, this).execute((Void) null);