This TypeScript compiles fine:
abstract class Animal {
Any extension of Animal MUST have a function which returns
another function that has exactly the signature (string): void
abstract getPlayBehavior(): (toy: string) => void;
class Cat extends Animal {
Clearly does not have a function which returns a function
that has the correct signature. This function returns a function with
the signature (void) : void
getPlayBehavior() {
return () => {
console.log(`Play with toy_var_would_go_here!`);
class Program {
static main() {
let cat: Animal = new Cat();
I am expecting an error because the Cat class definitely does not implement the abstract Animal class properly. I expect that the Cat class must have a function which returns another function of the exact signature specified in the abstract Animal class.
Running the code, I get:
> node index.js
> Play with toy_var_would_go_here!
Is there anything I can do to make sure the compiler enforces this kind of policy?
You're not getting an error because in javascript/typescript you're not forced to declare the arguments if you don't want to use them, as long as there's no contradiction.
For example, the signature of the Array.forEach is:
forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
But this will compile just fine:
let a = [1, 2, 3];
a.forEach(item => console.log(item));
And that's a good thing, it would have been horrible if I had to have all arguments even if I don't use them.
The same goes here:
type MyFn = (s: string) => void;
let fn: MyFn = () => console.log("hey");
If I don't need to use the string argument then I can neglect it, or I can even do:
let fn: MyFn = () => console.log(arguments);
If you'll change the signature of the function that you return in Cat.getPlayBehavior
to something that contradicts the definition in Animal
then you'll get an error:
class Cat extends Animal {
getPlayBehavior() {
return (n: number) => {
console.log(`Play with toy_var_would_go_here!`);
Class 'Cat' incorrectly extends base class 'Animal'.
Types of property 'getPlayBehavior' are incompatible.
Type '() => (n: number) => void' is not assignable to type '() => (toy: string) => void'.
Type '(n: number) => void' is not assignable to type '(toy: string) => void'.
Types of parameters 'n' and 'toy' are incompatible.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.