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clip-path width doesn't 100% width

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Hello, I'm using slick slider and I want to clip-path the container but the clip-path doesn't work well..

this is my svg path

<svg width="0" height="0">
        <clipPath id="mask1">
            <path id="curve" d="m242.6,393.7c-82.2,-4.7 -138.1,-15.4 -191.2,-36.6 -19.3,-7.7 -36.4,-16.1 -47.7,-23.5l-3.2,-2.1 -0,-71.5c-0,-39.3 -0.1,-113.9 -0.3,-165.8l-0.3,-94.2 371.1,0 371.1,0 0,152 0,152 -5.8,3.7c-7.8,5 -14.5,8.8 -23.4,13.4 -70.4,36.3 -187.2,62.5 -317.4,71.2 -28.6,1.9 -31.6,2 -91.2,1.9 -31,-0 -58.8,-0.2 -61.9,-0.4z">

the slider works but the clip-path doesn't fit the 100% window..

Thanks.. and sorry for my English..


  • You should convert your clipPath to one using bounding box units:

    <clipPath clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" ... >

    When you use bounding box units, all your clip path coordinates should be defined in the range 0..1.

    If you do this, the clipping path will be given the same size as the the element you apply it to.

    img {
      width: 100%;
      clip-path: url(#mask1);
      -webkit-clip-path: url(#mask1);
    <svg width="0" height="0">
            <clipPath id="mask1" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox">
                <path id="curve"
                      transform="scale(0.00135, 0.00254)"
                      d="m242.6,393.7c-82.2,-4.7 -138.1,-15.4 -191.2,-36.6 -19.3,-7.7 -36.4,-16.1 -47.7,-23.5l-3.2,-2.1 -0,-71.5c-0,-39.3 -0.1,-113.9 -0.3,-165.8l-0.3,-94.2 371.1,0 371.1,0 0,152 0,152 -5.8,3.7c-7.8,5 -14.5,8.8 -23.4,13.4 -70.4,36.3 -187.2,62.5 -317.4,71.2 -28.6,1.9 -31.6,2 -91.2,1.9 -31,-0 -58.8,-0.2 -61.9,-0.4z">
    <img src="//"/>

    What I have done in the example above is to use a transform to scale the clip path to size 1x1. It's easier than recreating the shape with new coordinates.