I'm having problems figuring out how polymer data binding to an elements host works. I would like to change the selected page of a <neon-animated-pages>
element depending on the user being logged in or not but I'm totally new to polymer and have no idea how to do this with data bindings. I can't even get them to change inside of an element with javascript...
Any help would be highly appreciated!
My main element looks something like this:
<neon-animated-pages id="animated_pages" selected='{{display}}' entry-animation='slide-from-left-animation' exit-animation='slide-right-animation'>
<neon-animatable><login-page loggedIn={{loggedIn}} user={{user}}></login-page></neon-animatable>
<neon-animatable>Baz Page, the Best One of the Three</neon-animatable>
is: 'app-page',
properties: {
signedIn: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
value: false,
observer: 'showMain'
user: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
showMain: function(){
this.displayed = 1; <--doesnt seem to work!?!
My <login-page>
element looks something like this:
<form is="iron-form" id="login_form" class="bottom">
<paper-button id="login_button" on-tap="logIn" raised>Log in</paper-button>
<paper-input id="login_password" name="password" label="password" type="password" on-keyup="_handleEnter" required></paper-input>
<paper-input id="login_email" ></paper-input>
is: 'login-page',
properties: {
signedIn: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
user: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
logIn: function() {
var email = this.$.login_email.value
var password = this.$.login_password.value
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then(function(response) {
this.signedIn = true; <--doesn't seem to work!?!
this.user = response;
.catch(function(error) {
// Handle Errors here.
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
this.signedIn = false;
It looks like you're using the wrong property name in your binding:
<login-page loggedIn={{loggedIn}}></login-page>
Note that <login-page>
does not have a property named "loggedIn". You probably meant to use "signedIn".
Also note that property bindings use the property name in attribute form (dash-case not camelCase) (see docs on Data Binding). To bind "signedIn", you would use:
<login-page signed-in="{{loggedIn}}"></login-page>
Lastly, you've bound this
only in your catch
callback but not the one for then
, so the latter's this
is not referring to your Polymer object. Fix:
logIn: function() {
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then(function(response) {
this.signedIn = true;
this.user = response;
}.bind(this)) // bind `this` to the Polymer object
.catch(function(error) {