Why does the Haskell interpreter (GHCI 7.10.3) need function definitions to be in a let expression, but the Haskell compiler (GHC 7.10.3) throws a parser error if a function definition is within a let expression?
I'm working through "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!" Baby's first function is doubleMe: doubleMe x = x + x
Why does the interpreter accept this definition if it is within a let expression and otherwise throw a parse error on input '='? Meanwhile, if I'm compiling the same function from a file, why does GHC throw a parse error if the function definition is within a let expression and compiles the definition if it is not within a let expression? Coming from a Lisp background, I'm surprised that interactive Haskell and file loading and compilation Haskell treats these definitions differently.
Modern Lisp implementations compile to native code, often by default even when code is entered at the prompt. Lisp's prompt isn't just a place to enter commands, it's a place to interact with the language because the entire language is made available by the Read-Evaluate-Print Loop. This means that Lisp reads the text into symbolic expressions, which it then evaluates, printing any print output and any returned values. For example,
? (defun a-fun () nil)
? (compiled-function-p #'a-fun)
Compiled-Function-P Clozure Common Lisp
With Lisp, code you can enter into the Lisp image by compiling and loading a file you can also enter into the Lisp image by typing it out at the REPL. So it turns out I was surprised because I was expecting the GHCi prompt to be a REPL, but as @Alec describes it's not because it doesn't read text into Haskell expressions that it would then evaluate, as Lisp does. As @dfeuer says, the issue isn't about compilation versus interpretation. The issue is that GHCi's prompt offers limited interaction with a Haskell compiler, rather than interaction with Haskell itself as Lisp's REPL does.