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How to use ADAL Library when I have Multiple Resources

How I can enable multi resource support in iOS using ADAL.Searched in so many sites, but finding it difficult to understand the flow with multiple resources, with Refresh Token and Access Token.Can anyone explain this flow briefly please?

According to library, ADTokenCacheStoreItem will have accessToken will be nil, in case the item stores multi-resource refresh token.But whenever I will call acquireTokenWithResource:clientId:redirectUri: I am getting both access token and refresh token.How I can tell the library that mine is multi source request.Is there any settings I need to do?

/*! The access token received. Should be nil, in case the item stores multi-resource refresh token. / @property NSString accessToken;

And also , do I need to call the acquireTokenWithResource:clientId:redirectUri every time before calling each API with or without different end points.Or is it my responsibility to cache/store the access token and expiry date for each resource? Also how I can handle silent login in multi resource case?


  • With ADAL, you simply need to call some form of acquireToken* each time your application needs an access token, presumable to make an API call. ADAL should take care of token caching, refreshing, etc for you. You shouldn't ever have to manually use refresh tokens.

    Refresh tokens from Azure AD are inherently "multi-resource". That is, you can ask for an access token to resource 1, receive that access token + refresh token pair, and then use the refresh token to get an access token to resource 2. This allows you to get tokens for different resources "silently", meaning the user only has to sign-in once.