Search code examples

Mongodb group documents and limit each group

Considering those documents:

    "ListenTime": ISODate("2016-10-15T14:17:49.336Z")
    "ListenTime": ISODate("2016-10-13T14:17:49.336Z")
    "ListenTime": ISODate("2016-10-10T14:10:49.336Z")

What i what to do is to extract with a single query in MongoDB (3.2) only those documents grouping them by Speaker and Listener, taking only the document with the oldest ListenTime.
So, in this case, the result will be:

    "ListenTime": ISODate("2016-10-15T14:17:49.336Z")
    "ListenTime": ISODate("2016-10-10T14:10:49.336Z")

Is it possible do that with a single query?


  • Run the following aggregation pipeline to get the desired result:

        { "$sort": { "ListenTime": -1 } },
            "$group": {
                "_id": {
                    "Speaker": "$Speaker",
                    "Listener": "$Listener"
                "Field1" : { "$first": "$Field1" },
                "ListenTime" : { "$first": "$ListenTime" }
            "$project": {
                "Field1": 1,
                "Speaker": "$_id.Speaker",
                "Listener": "$_id.Listener",
                "ListenTime": 1,
                "_id": 0

    Sample Output

    /* 1 */
        "Field1" : "Test_3",
        "ListenTime" : ISODate("2016-10-10T14:10:49.336Z"),
        "Speaker" : 1,
        "Listener" : 3
    /* 2 */
        "Field1" : "Test_1",
        "ListenTime" : ISODate("2016-10-15T14:17:49.336Z"),
        "Speaker" : 1,
        "Listener" : 2