I'm trying to replace an entry in Crontab (RedHat) with sign #. I tried sed command like this
sed -i 's|35 15 * * * /tmp/vii/test.sh >/dev/null 2>&1|#|g' /var/spool/cron/root
but it doesn't work. Any ideas?
Don't try to edit crontab files directly, use crontab tools instead!!
wayYou could use:
crontab -l
to dump actual crontab list.
crontab -l | sed '/vii.test.sh/s/^/# /'
... or more finely:
crontab -l | sed '/^35 \+15.*vii.test.sh/s/^/# /'
to pre-edit crontab list and see on terminal sed
command result
crontab -l | sed '/vii.test.sh/s/^/# /' | crontab
to replace actual crontab list, once everything are ok.
But warn!
wrong Command | crontab
will erase completely your crontab list!!
There is a little shell script:
SED=`which sed`
CAT=`which cat`
CRONTAB=`which crontab`
lines=`$CRONTAB -l | wc -l`
$CAT -n
read -p 'Switch comment on line: ' line
if [ -n "$line" ] && [ $line -ge 1 ] && [ $lines -ge $line ]; then
$SED $line'{ s/^# //;t;s/^/# /;: }'
read -p 'Apply this? (y/[n])' apply
[ "$apply" = "y" ] &&
$SED $line'{ s/^# //;t;s/^/# /;: }' |
May produce:
1 # For more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8)
2 #
3 # m h dom mon dow command
4 00 4 * * * /path/to/another/command
5 35 15 * * * /tmp/vii/test.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
Switch comment on line:
From there, if you hit 5
(followed by return):
# For more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8)
# m h dom mon dow command
00 4 * * * /path/to/another/command
# 35 15 * * * /tmp/vii/test.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
Apply this? (y/[n])n
And you could press y
if you're ok.
mapfile -t cronTab < <(crontab -l)
paste <(seq 1 ${#cronTab[@]}) <(printf "%s\n" "${cronTab[@]}")
read -p "Switch comment on line: (1-${#cronTab[@]}) " line
(( (line>0) && (${#cronTab[@]}>=line) )) && {
[ "${cronTab[line-1]:0:1}" = "#" ] &&
cronTab[line-1]="${cronTab[line-1]:2}" ||
cronTab[line-1]="# ${cronTab[line-1]}"
printf "%s\n" "${cronTab[@]}"
read -p 'Apply this? (y/[n])' apply
[ "$apply" = "y" ] &&
printf "%s\n" "${cronTab[@]}" |