How to find repeated sub string in a main string using VBScript?
For example, if the string is
str = "Google mail, Google Maps, Google drive, Google music, Google play, Google office"
I need the the substring which is repeated in above string. Also its count.
This will give the count of all words in a given substring.
str = "Google mail, Google Maps, Google drive, Google music, Google play, Google office"
Function RemoveDuplicates(str)
If Trim(str) = "" Then
RemoveDuplicates = Array()
Exit Function
End If
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d.CompareMode = vbTextCompare 'make dictionary case-insensitive
For Each elem In Split(str)
d(elem) = True
RemoveDuplicates = d.Keys
End Function
sUniques = RemoveDuplicates(str)
For k = 0 To UBound(sUniques)
iCount = len(str) - len(replace(str, sUniques(k), ""))
msgbox "The string " & sUniques(k) & " appeared " & iCount/len(sUniques(k)) & " times"
Using First function from