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How to use in .net selenium project?

I am using selenium webdriver in C#, and i want to test an application's registration page. I am facing some issues:

  1. The application does-not allow user deletion.

  2. I cannot create new user account randomly as i have to validate the user account with the user's email account. So, each time i have to create new mail account, which is not possible.

  3. I have thought of using mailinator but it is not secured.

So, i googled a lot and it seemed could be a good option. But, i can't understand how do i implement in .net project. There is no information about .net packages in the documentation they have provided. If i can't implement in .net project then I need to know, is there any other way to solve this problem?


  • Finally, i got my solution to my problem. I have implemented There we have to create an account and for testing we should use +