So i have been messing around with Assembly, and i was wondering: just HOW does a linkes ELF64 File look like, and can i directly write a linked file in plain-text? (like create a file e.G "main", write the hex-values of the system-calls, and then run it without linking or assembling.)
I have tried objdump -x main
but i don't think, this is the entire ELF-File, because there is too less information, as i think.
Here the output:
main: Dateiformat elf64-x86-64
Inhalt von Abschnitt .text:
4000b0 b8040000 00bb0100 0000b9d0 006000ba .............`..
4000c0 0c000000 cd80b801 000000cd 80 .............
Inhalt von Abschnitt .data:
6000d0 48454c4c 4f2c2057 4f524c44 HELLO, WORLD
my Assembler Code:
section .data
msg: db "HELLO, WORLD"
len: equ $-msg
section .text
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg
mov edx, len
int 80h;
mov eax, 1
int 80h;
EDIT: My Compiler is finished now, I just stuck with assembler and let NASM/ld do the job
If you want to see the entire structure of your executable try:
objdump -D some_exe
and if you want to see your file in hex format do:
xxd some_exe
hexdump some_exe
can i directly write a linked file in plain-text?
Well... Theoretically you can if you know exactly the instructions of the executable and you write them in binary to a plaintext file.
For example, for any given executable exe_file you can do this:
touch temp_file plaintext_file
xxd -p exe_file > temp_file
xxd -p -r temp_file > plaintext_file
chmod u+x plaintext_file
The plaintext_file will be an executable exactly the same as your exe_file. If between steps 2 and 3 you modify the temp_file you are directly modifying the executable by hand, although it is not very likely to change something "specific", unless you have very deep understanding of elf64 format (which I don't and I'm not sure what can be achieved with this).
Note: I know step 1 is redundant, I used it for demonstrating that you are starting with 2 simple plaintext files.