In PHP, it's possible to say:
$unixTimeOfLastSunday = strtotime("last Sunday");
Which would equate to something like this: 1465714800
How would one accomplish the same thing in either Javascript or AngularJS?
EDIT - I am now using moment.js
as an angular library. Here's my controller:
myApp.controller('myController', ['$scope', 'moment', function ($scope, moment) {
moment.updateLocale('en', {
meridiem: {
am: 'am',
AM: 'AM',
pm: 'pm',
PM: 'PM'
var sunday = moment().calendar("Last Sunday at 12:00 AM");
var sundayUnix = moment(sunday).unix();
But for some reason, the console always spits out today, and not Sunday.
I suggest using moment.js. You can combine and
Edit: So apparently, momentjs is really awesome and anything is possible - and easy, if you explore the rich API. The answer is simply moment().day("Sunday").unix()
Beautiful if you ask me! :) Relevant documentation.