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How to get weighted sum depending on two conditions in Excel?

I have this table in Excel: enter image description here

I am trying to get weighted sum depending on two conditions:

  • Whether it is Company 1 or Company 2 (shares quantity differ)
  • Whether column A (Company 1) and column B (Company 2) has 0 or 1 (multipliers differ)

Lets calculate weighted sum for row 2:

Sum = 2 (multiplier 1) * 50 (1 share price) * 3 (shares quantity for Company 1) +

+0.5 (multiplier 0) * 50 (1 share price) * 6 (shares quantity for Company 2) = 450

So, Sum for Row 2 = 450.

For now I am checking only for multipliers (1 or 0) using this code:

=COUNTIF(A2:B2,0)*$B$9*$B$8 + COUNTIF(A2:B2,1)*$B$9*$B$7

But it does not take into account the shares quantities for Company 1 or Company 2. I only multiply 1 share price with multipliers, but not with shares quantity).

How can I also check whether it is Company 1 or Company 2 in order to multiply by corresponding Shares quantity?


Rasmus0607 gave a solution when there are only two companies:


Tom Sharpe gave a more general solution (number of companies can be greater than 2)

I uploaded my Excel file to DropBox: Excel file


  • I can offer a more general way of doing it with the benefit of hindsight that you can apply to more than two columns by altering the second CHOOSE statement:-


    Unfortunately it's an array formula that you have to enter with CtrlShiftEnter. But it's a moot point whether or not it would be better just to use one of the other answers with some repetition and keep it simple.

    You could also try this:-


    enter image description here

    Here's how it would be for three companies


    (array formula) or
