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How to get the current Title of a button in Swift 3.0 , ios using sender.titleForState(.Normal)!

I tried to get the title of a button in swift like below.

@IBAction func buttonAction(_ sender: Any) {
  let buttonTitle = sender.titleForState(.Normal)!

but it didn't work,even it doesn't give any hint when we press . after the sender.

so what is the correct way of doing this in swift 3.0

Or else if we create an IBOutlet and then we use its currentTitle, it works fine like below. Why we cannot get it with sender. for above

@IBOutlet var thebutton: UIButton!

@IBAction func buttonAction(_ sender: Any) {
  let buttonTitle = thebutton.currentTitle!


  • Because parameter sender is in type Any instead of UIButton. Change the method signature to:

    @IBAction func buttonAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
      if let buttonTitle = sender.title(for: .normal) {

    and you should be good to go.