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How to remove a character from element and the corresponding character in another element in a list?

Sample = ['A$$N','BBBC','$$AA']

I need to compare every element to every other element in the list. So compare sample[0] and sample[1], sample[0], and sample[2], sample[1] and sample[2].

If any pair in the comparison has $, then $, and the corresponding element needs to be eliminated.

For example in:

sample[0] and sample[1]    Output1 : ['AN','BC']
sample[0] and sample[2]    Output2 : ['N', 'A']
sample[1] and sample[2]    Output3 : ['BC','AA']
for i in range(len(sample1)):
    for j in range(i + 1, len(sample1)):
        if i == "$" or j == "$":
            #Need to remove "$" and the corresponding element in the other list

   #Print the pairs


  • This may not be the most beautiful code but will do the job.

    from itertools import combinations
    sample = ['A$$N','BBBC','$$AA']
    output = []
    for i, j in combinations(range(len(sample)), 2):
        out = ['', '']
        for pair in zip(sample[i], sample[j]):
            if '$' not in pair:
                out[0] += pair[0]
                out[1] += pair[1]