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Multiple Many to Many Relationships JOINed in MySQL

For a project I'm working on, I am trying to query a time clock but when I LEFT JOIN multiple many to many (or in a single users' record sense, 1 to many) it creates duplicate entries, so when it's grouped by, the aggregate totals are incorrect.

Given the below mock schema: enter image description here

And a query:

CONCAT_WS(", ", UserTbl.LastName, UserTbl.FirstName) AS UserName,
SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,  TimeClockTbl.StartDateTime, TimeClockTbl.EndDateTime)) AS ClockedInMinutes,
Users AS UserTbl
TimeClock AS TimeClockTbl
ON UserTbl.UserID = TimeClockTbl.UserID
UserRoles AS UserRoleTbl
ON UserTbl.UserID = UserRoleTbl.UserID
UserRoleTbl.RoleID IN (1,2,3)
UserTbl.LastName ASC,
UserTbl.FirstName ASC;

If the user only has 1 role, assigned, it works fine, but if there is a second or third role assigned, it seems to multiply the final result. I considered using a GROUP_CONCAT for the roles and filtering after, but that doesn't seem to be efficient. I also considered subqueries to calculate the clocked in hours for a given user, but I felt that would have the same result. It's also important to note that this is scaled to have a TimeClock table with multiple entries, and a Scheduled table with multiple entries as well.

How can I do this with a decent amount of efficiency?


  • Simple decision:

    SELECT UserTbl.UserID,
           CONCAT_WS(", ", UserTbl.LastName, UserTbl.FirstName) AS UserName,
           SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, TimeClockTbl.StartDateTime, TimeClockTbl.EndDateTime)) AS ClockedInMinutes,
      FROM Users AS UserTbl
      LEFT JOIN TimeClock AS TimeClockTbl ON UserTbl.UserID = TimeClockTbl.UserID
     WHERE UserTbl.UserID IN( SELECT UserID FROM UserRoles WHERE RoleID IN (1,2,3) )
     GROUP BY UserTbl.UserID
     ORDER BY UserTbl.LastName ASC, UserTbl.FirstName ASC;

    Concept for similar situations - consistent join:

    SELECT A.*,
           SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, TimeClockTbl.StartDateTime, TimeClockTbl.EndDateTime)) AS ClockedInMinutes,
           MAX(A.RolesTitle) AS RolesTitle
      FROM (
            SELECT UserTbl.UserID,
                   CONCAT_WS(", ", UserTbl.LastName, UserTbl.FirstName) AS UserName,
                   FirstName, LastName,
                   GROUP_CONCAT(Roles.Title) as RolesTitle
              FROM Users AS UserTbl
              JOIN UserRoles AS UserRoleTbl  ON UserTbl.UserID = UserRoleTbl.UserID
              JOIN Roles ON Roles.RoleID=UserRoleTbl.RoleID
             WHERE UserRoleTbl.RoleID IN (1,2,3)
             GROUP BY UserTbl.UserID
           ) A
      LEFT JOIN TimeClock AS TimeClockTbl ON A.UserID = TimeClockTbl.UserID
     GROUP BY A.UserID
     ORDER BY A.LastName ASC, A.FirstName ASC;