I am currently trying to use the Mailboxer Gem. I have added the following line in my Gemfile:
gem "mailboxer"
In the konsole I did these:
$ bundle install
$ rails g mailboxer:install
$ rake db:migrate
$ rails g mailboxer:views
and have added acts_as_messageable
in my user.rb. However, I am getting this error
I tried replacing the gem in Gemfile from gem 'mailboxer''
to gem 'mailboxer', github: 'mailboxer/mailboxer'
but I get this message when I bundle install
git://github.com/mailboxer/mailboxer.git (at master@0e41d6a) is not yet checked out. Run `bundle install` first.
How can I fix this and make the mailboxer work in my rails application?
I figured out that I should add the following methods in user.rb besides the line acts_as_messageable
def name
def mailboxer_email(object)
I used the following for the Gemfile:
gem 'mailboxer', '~> 0.14.0'
The two errors I had from previous tries are now gone.