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How to populate multilevel array in mongoose

I have a Quiz Model with array of Section and each Sections has array of reference to Question. I want to populate Quiz with question.


var quizSchema = new Schema({
    name: String,
    code: Number,
    creator: String,
    createdBy: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user' },
      title: String,
      questions: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId ,ref: 'question'}]
    createdOn: {type:Date,}

and questionModel

var questionSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
      question: String,
      answer: [String],
      correct: Number,
      createdOn: {type:Date,}


I have following the official mongoose documentation for populating

My attempt

  quizSchema.find({_id: quiz_id})
  path: 'section' ,
  populate: {
    path: 'section.questions',
    model: 'questionSchema'
.exec( function (err, result)  {

  if (err) return done(err,null);
  console.log("list of questions are" + result);
  return done(err, result);



The output I am getting is list of question's id not the actual question.

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Quiz data",
  "result": [
      "_id": "57fd5912ec0ad6bc8b67d71c",
      "name": "My Quiz",
      "creator": "foo",
      "__v": 0,
      "code": 124,
      "createdOn": "2016-10-11T21:26:42.774Z",
      "section": [
          "_id": "57fd7e82c20a2fe5da3ed569",
          "questions": [
          "title": "next section",
          "_id": "57fff1e0f1913138c27e50a0",
          "questions": [

I think I am doing something wrong with populate field, but not sure .


  • Just alter your query to

     quizSchema.find({_id: quiz_id})
      path: 'section.questions'