I am using the PFUser
class to handle users (on Heroku/mLab) in an iOS app, using a subclass of PFSignUpViewController
to create news users, one at a time.
It works fine but here is my problem: sometime I want to create multiple users in one go. Say around 50 users in one time. Obviously I do not want to type them in one by one; I have them ready in a list:
email-01, username-01
email-02, username-02
email-03, username-03
.. etc ..
How can I do that? Is it possible within the iOS app, by some function call? Or do I need to use some external tool?
I've created a sample project for you, you can sign them up by just using a for
And of course, you can set up all your users in a JSON file, then use JSONSerialization
to get the JSON contents.
Here is the sample project:
let userArray = [
["username":"user1","email":"[email protected]","password":"1234"],
["username":"user2","email":"[email protected]","password":"1234"],
["username":"user3","email":"[email protected]","password":"1234"],
["username":"user4","email":"[email protected]","password":"1234"],
["username":"user5","email":"[email protected]","password":"1234"]
@IBAction func signUp(_ sender: UIButton) {
var index = 0
for _ in userArray {
let user = PFUser()
user.username = userArray[index]["username"]
user.password = userArray[index]["password"]
user.email = userArray[index]["email"]
index += 1