Morning all,
Im using Newtonsoft.JSON to deserialize a JSON response from Import Io. I have successfully used to build a data model successfully in one instance to gain access to the data, however in that instance only one JSON object was returned. I am now working on a new piece of JSON that is being returned with multiple objects and i'm hitting issues with the following error message:
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) into type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[OSP.Shop_DTO+RootObject]' because the type requires a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly. To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal .NET type (e.g. not a primitive type like integer, not a collection type like an array or List) that can be deserialized from a JSON object. JsonObjectAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON object. Path 'url', line 1, position 7."
My JSON looks like this:
"url": "",
"result": {
"extractorData": {
"url": "",
"resourceId": "1db49f66afc2f234cb5ab470f0c39e0c",
"data": [
"group": [
"BN_shop_1KG": [
"text": "$36.00"
"BN_shop_2KG": [
"text": "$69"
"BN_shop_3KG": [
"text": "$97"
"BN_VEGE_5KG": [
"text": "3 KG = $97"
"BN_shop_4KG": [
"text": "$124"
"BN_shop_5KG": [
"text": "$149"
"pageData": {
"resourceId": "1db49f66afc2f234cb5ab470f0c39e0c",
"statusCode": 200,
"timestamp": 1476432605275
"timestamp": 1476432606594,
"sequenceNumber": 0
"url": "",
"result": {
"extractorData": {
"url": "",
"resourceId": "dd4837cc7d0085eae005243c7bd8ca8a",
"data": [
"group": [
"BN_shop_1KG": [
"text": "$27.00"
"BN_shop_2KG": [
"text": "$49"
"BN_shop_3KG": [
"text": "$69"
"BN_VEGE_5KG": [
"text": "3 KG = $69"
"BN_shop_4KG": [
"text": "$84"
"BN_shop_5KG": [
"text": "$99"
"pageData": {
"resourceId": "dd4837cc7d0085eae005243c7bd8ca8a",
"statusCode": 200,
"timestamp": 1476432604237
"timestamp": 1476432605124,
"sequenceNumber": 1
"url": "http://www.myurl.comshop-matrix.html",
"result": {
"extractorData": {
"url": "http://www.myurl.comshop-matrix.html",
"resourceId": "deee30ffa0098e017a06c0e0c805e133",
"data": [
"group": [
"BN_shop_1KG": [
"text": "$29.00"
"BN_shop_2KG": [
"text": "$56"
"BN_shop_3KG": [
"text": "$79"
"BN_VEGE_5KG": [
"text": "3 KG = $79"
"BN_shop_4KG": [
"text": "$99"
"BN_shop_5KG": [
"text": "$119"
"pageData": {
"resourceId": "deee30ffa0098e017a06c0e0c805e133",
"statusCode": 200,
"timestamp": 1476432602408
"timestamp": 1476432603204,
"sequenceNumber": 2
"url": "http://www.myurl.comsoy-shop-item.html",
"result": {
"extractorData": {
"url": "http://www.myurl.comsoy-shop-item.html",
"resourceId": "5593aad40f95ba868626e47a1b550813",
"data": [
"group": [
"BN_shop_1KG": [
"text": "$25.00"
"BN_shop_2KG": [
"text": "$45"
"BN_shop_3KG": [
"text": "$89"
"BN_VEGE_5KG": [
"text": "5 KG = $89"
"BN_shop_4KG": [
"text": "$175"
"BN_shop_5KG": [
"text": "$339"
"pageData": {
"resourceId": "5593aad40f95ba868626e47a1b550813",
"statusCode": 200,
"timestamp": 1476432602479
"timestamp": 1476432603847,
"sequenceNumber": 3
"url": "http://www.myurl.compea-shop.html",
"result": {
"extractorData": {
"url": "http://www.myurl.compea-shop.html",
"resourceId": "f91e05d0265ab5a5f7f948c57a05bced",
"data": [
"group": [
"BN_shop_1KG": [
"text": "$25.00"
"BN_shop_2KG": [
"text": "$45"
"BN_shop_3KG": [
"text": "$89"
"BN_VEGE_5KG": [
"text": "5 KG = $89"
"BN_shop_4KG": [
"text": "$169"
"BN_shop_5KG": [
"text": "$319"
"pageData": {
"resourceId": "f91e05d0265ab5a5f7f948c57a05bced",
"statusCode": 200,
"timestamp": 1476432605227
"timestamp": 1476432606451,
"sequenceNumber": 4
Model looks like this:
public class BNShop1KG
public string text { get; set; }
public class BNShop2KG
public string text { get; set; }
public class BNShop3KG
public string text { get; set; }
public class BNVEGE5KG
public string text { get; set; }
public class BNShop4KG
public string text { get; set; }
public class BNShop5KG
public string text { get; set; }
public class Group
public List<BNShop1KG> BN_shop_1KG { get; set; }
public List<BNShop2KG> BN_shop_2KG { get; set; }
public List<BNShop3KG> BN_shop_3KG { get; set; }
public List<BNVEGE5KG> BN_VEGE_5KG { get; set; }
public List<BNShop4KG> BN_shop_4KG { get; set; }
public List<BNShop5KG> BN_shop_5KG { get; set; }
public class Datum
public List<Group> group { get; set; }
public class ExtractorData
public string url { get; set; }
public string resourceId { get; set; }
public List<Datum> data { get; set; }
public class PageData
public string resourceId { get; set; }
public int statusCode { get; set; }
public long timestamp { get; set; }
public class Result
public ExtractorData extractorData { get; set; }
public PageData pageData { get; set; }
public long timestamp { get; set; }
public int sequenceNumber { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public string url { get; set; }
public Result result { get; set; }
In my code i'm trying to get access to the 'text' value in 'BN_shop_1KG' from the first JSON object. This item:
"BN_shop_1KG": [
"text": "$36.00"
I've tried the following in my code, but am receiving the error outlined above. From what I understand reading some previous threads about this is that I will need to use a deserialize into List to handle JSON received in this manner:
List<Shop_DTO.RootObject> obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Shop_DTO.RootObject>>(_rawHtmlResult);
var price = obj.First()[0].group[0].BN_shop_1kg[0].text;
Debug.WriteLine("Price for item {0}", price);
Any help would be hugely appreciated, i've been stuck on this for a couple of days :(
The Json file is invalid. Since it contains multiple Json object, it should be a Json array which needs to be wrapped by [], and another thing is between each Json object, you need ","
var jsonText = @"[{
""url"": """",
""result"": {
""extractorData"": {
""url"": """",
""resourceId"": ""1db49f66afc2f234cb5ab470f0c39e0c"",
""data"": [
""group"": [
""BN_shop_1KG"": [
""text"": ""$36.00""
""BN_shop_2KG"": [
""text"": ""$69""
""BN_shop_3KG"": [
""text"": ""$97""
""BN_VEGE_5KG"": [
""text"": ""3 KG = $97""
""BN_shop_4KG"": [
""text"": ""$124""
""BN_shop_5KG"": [
""text"": ""$149""
""pageData"": {
""resourceId"": ""1db49f66afc2f234cb5ab470f0c39e0c"",
""statusCode"": 200,
""timestamp"": 1476432605275
""timestamp"": 1476432606594,
""sequenceNumber"": 0
""url"": """",
""result"": {
""extractorData"": {
""url"": """",
""resourceId"": ""dd4837cc7d0085eae005243c7bd8ca8a"",
""data"": [
""group"": [
""BN_shop_1KG"": [
""text"": ""$27.00""
""BN_shop_2KG"": [
""text"": ""$49""
""BN_shop_3KG"": [
""text"": ""$69""
""BN_VEGE_5KG"": [
""text"": ""3 KG = $69""
""BN_shop_4KG"": [
""text"": ""$84""
""BN_shop_5KG"": [
""text"": ""$99""
""pageData"": {
""resourceId"": ""dd4837cc7d0085eae005243c7bd8ca8a"",
""statusCode"": 200,
""timestamp"": 1476432604237
""timestamp"": 1476432605124,
""sequenceNumber"": 1
""url"": ""http://www.myurl.comshop-matrix.html"",
""result"": {
""extractorData"": {
""url"": ""http://www.myurl.comshop-matrix.html"",
""resourceId"": ""deee30ffa0098e017a06c0e0c805e133"",
""data"": [
""group"": [
""BN_shop_1KG"": [
""text"": ""$29.00""
""BN_shop_2KG"": [
""text"": ""$56""
""BN_shop_3KG"": [
""text"": ""$79""
""BN_VEGE_5KG"": [
""text"": ""3 KG = $79""
""BN_shop_4KG"": [
""text"": ""$99""
""BN_shop_5KG"": [
""text"": ""$119""
""pageData"": {
""resourceId"": ""deee30ffa0098e017a06c0e0c805e133"",
""statusCode"": 200,
""timestamp"": 1476432602408
""timestamp"": 1476432603204,
""sequenceNumber"": 2
""url"": ""http://www.myurl.comsoy-shop-item.html"",
""result"": {
""extractorData"": {
""url"": ""http://www.myurl.comsoy-shop-item.html"",
""resourceId"": ""5593aad40f95ba868626e47a1b550813"",
""data"": [
""group"": [
""BN_shop_1KG"": [
""text"": ""$25.00""
""BN_shop_2KG"": [
""text"": ""$45""
""BN_shop_3KG"": [
""text"": ""$89""
""BN_VEGE_5KG"": [
""text"": ""5 KG = $89""
""BN_shop_4KG"": [
""text"": ""$175""
""BN_shop_5KG"": [
""text"": ""$339""
""pageData"": {
""resourceId"": ""5593aad40f95ba868626e47a1b550813"",
""statusCode"": 200,
""timestamp"": 1476432602479
""timestamp"": 1476432603847,
""sequenceNumber"": 3
""url"": ""http://www.myurl.compea-shop.html"",
""result"": {
""extractorData"": {
""url"": ""http://www.myurl.compea-shop.html"",
""resourceId"": ""f91e05d0265ab5a5f7f948c57a05bced"",
""data"": [
""group"": [
""BN_shop_1KG"": [
""text"": ""$25.00""
""BN_shop_2KG"": [
""text"": ""$45""
""BN_shop_3KG"": [
""text"": ""$89""
""BN_VEGE_5KG"": [
""text"": ""5 KG = $89""
""BN_shop_4KG"": [
""text"": ""$169""
""BN_shop_5KG"": [
""text"": ""$319""
""pageData"": {
""resourceId"": ""f91e05d0265ab5a5f7f948c57a05bced"",
""statusCode"": 200,
""timestamp"": 1476432605227
""timestamp"": 1476432606451,
""sequenceNumber"": 4
Then you can use your code to get the price. Btw, there is a typo in your code, BN_shop_1kg
is supposed to be BN_shop_1KG