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PHPPresentation file with 2 slides requires repair

I'm working on a script to create a presentation with multiple slides. When I add the first slide the script works fine.

$colorBlack = new Color('FF000000');

$objPHPPresentation = new PhpPresentation();

    ->setLastModifiedBy('PHPPresentation Team')
    ->setTitle('Sample 01 Title')
    ->setSubject('Sample 01 Subject')
    ->setDescription('Sample 01 Description')
    ->setKeywords('office 2007 openxml libreoffice odt php')
    ->setCategory('Sample Category');


$currentSlide = createTemplatedSlide($objPHPPresentation); 

$shape = $currentSlide->createRichTextShape(); $shape->setHeight(200);    
$shape->setWidth(600); $shape->setOffsetX(10); $shape->setOffsetY(400); 

$textRun = $shape->createTextRun('slide 1 text 1'); 
$textRun->getFont()->setColor($colorBlack); $shape->createBreak();

$textRun = $shape->createTextRun('slide 1 text 2'); 

So the above code works fine. Then when I add code for a second slide, I get an error when opening with PowerPoint that indicates there is a problem with the content and the file needs repaired.

Here's the code I add for the second slide. It's basically a copy of the previous slide.

$currentSlide = createTemplatedSlide($objPHPPresentation); 

$shape = $currentSlide->createRichTextShape(); 

$textRun = $shape->createTextRun('second slide text 1'); 
$textRun->getFont()->setColor($colorBlack); $shape->createBreak();

$textRun = $shape->createTextRun('second slide text 2'); 


  • I got this on another forum. Copy the layout.

    $objPHPPresentation = new PhpPresentation();
    $oMasterSlide = $objPHPPresentation->getAllMasterSlides()[0];
    $oSlideLayout = $oMasterSlide->getAllSlideLayouts()[0];

    Then copy the layout to each new slide:
