I'm just new with R-programming and Google Trends, so forgive me for this basic question. I successfully acquired some google trends data from a tutorial like this:
usr <- "<usr>"
psw <- "<psw>"
gconnect(usr, psw)
lang_trend <- gtrends(c("pga", "nhl", "nba", "nfl"))
I get a nice plot for all 4 terms.
Now I'd like to know how to just plot the data for just nba for example
Thanks in advance!
This could help get you started. From the documentation of the gtrendsR package: lang_trend is "An object of class ‘gtrends’ which is list with six elements containing the results. "
usr <- "<usr>"
psw <- "<pwd>"
gconnect("<usr>", "<pwd>")
lang_trend <- gtrends(c("pga", "nhl", "nba", "nfl"))
plot(lang_trend$trend[ ,"start"], lang_trend$trend[,"nba."], type = "lines")