I was trying to implement google's snaptoroad api. But I am not getting any output. I am using golang for the implementation. My Code is as follows:
mapClient, err := maps.NewClient(maps.WithAPIKey(GoogleApiServerKey))
if err != nil{
latlng := maps.LatLng{}
path := []maps.LatLng{}
latlng.Lat = 9.7162348
latlng.Lng = 76.6702793
path = append(path, latlng)
latlng.Lat = 9.7162400
latlng.Lng = 76.715195
path = append(path, latlng)
latlng.Lat = 9.7162410
latlng.Lng = 76.7759261
path = append(path, latlng)
inputRequest := &maps.SnapToRoadRequest{
Path: path,
outputResponse, err := mapClient.SnapToRoad(context.Background(), inputRequest)
The Output this code produces are
Blank output is returned. Anyone please point out the mistake I made here? Thanks in advance.
Your code is fine, but It seems that your API Key is not activated. Please visit googleAPI dashboard to enable it.
You can always check it working: https://roads.googleapis.com/v1/snapToRoads?path=60.170880,24.942795|60.170879,24.942796|60.170877,24.942796&key=YOUR_API_KEY
the output would be:
"snappedPoints": [
"location": {
"latitude": 60.170877918672588,
"longitude": 24.942699821922421
"originalIndex": 0,
"placeId": "ChIJNX9BrM0LkkYRIM-cQg265e8"
"location": {
"latitude": 60.170876898776406,
"longitude": 24.942699912064775
"originalIndex": 1,
"placeId": "ChIJNX9BrM0LkkYRIM-cQg265e8"
"location": {
"latitude": 60.170874902634374,
"longitude": 24.942700088491474
"originalIndex": 2,
"placeId": "ChIJNX9BrM0LkkYRIM-cQg265e8"