I used to use the info in this question to run a VBA script that does some basic formatting after I run my python code.
How do I call an Excel macro from Python using xlwings?
Specifically I used the first update.
from xlwings import Workbook, Application
wb = Workbook(...)
Now I'm using v0.10.0 of xlwings and this code no longer works.
When I try the suggested new code for v0.10.0:
Python returns an object:
<xlwings.main.Macro at 0x92d3198>
and my macro isn't run in Excel.
The documentation (http://docs.xlwings.org/en/stable/api.html#xlwings.App.macro) has an example that is a custom function but I have a script that does several things in Excel (formats the data I output from python, adds some formulas in the sheet, etc.) that I want to run.
I'm sure I'm missing something basic here.
Update Based on Felix Zumstein's suggestion, I tried:
import xlwings as xw
xlfile = 'model.xlsm'
wb = xw.Book(xlfile)
This returns the same thing as wb.app.macro('your_macro'):
<xlwings.main.Macro at 0x92d05888>
and no VBA script run inside Excel.
You need to use Book.macro
. As your link to the docs says, App.macro
is only for macros that are not part of a workbook (i.e. addins). So use:
your_macro = wb.macro('your_macro') # this maps the VBA code
your_macro() # only this executes the VBA code