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MongoDB "imported data" not getting retrieved from PHP

I am importing a CSV file into my Mongo collection and it is getting imported successfully. This is my Windows Command Prompt execution:

mongoimport --host localhost --db testing --collection test1 --type csv --headerline --file Desktop\try.csv
2016-10-12T23:25:10.464+0530    connected to: localhost
2016-10-12T23:25:10.561+0530    imported 1 document

My collection shows the following:

> db.test1.find().pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("57fe78fece1854fc74ad37f0"),
        "class" : "7th",
        "school_id" : 1
        "_id" : ObjectId("57fe7975912ee1426d6d94c6"),
        "school_id" : "1",
        "class" : "5th"
        "_id" : ObjectId("57fe7980912ee1426d6d94c7"),
        "school_id" : "1",
        "class" : "6th"

Here I have only imported the document with class 7th. The documents with class 5th and 6th have been inserted through Mongo Shell and not imported.

Now in PHP when I try to retrieve these documents, and display the "class" of each document, I am only able to display classes 5th and 6th which I inserted through Mongo Shell. The imported document data is not displayed i.e. class 7th.

I tried something with "writeConcern":

mongoimport --host localhost --db testing --collection test1 --type csv --headerline --file Desktop\try.csv --writeConcern {w:"majority"}

Is this something related to read or write concerns of MongoDB? Or something concerning the PHP Mongo driver?

I have a lot of data and I cannot afford to insert it through shell.

(I am using XAMPP Windows)


  • There is a difference between the data. The school_id is a number in 7th and a string in 5th and 6th. Is this causing a problem in your query?