I have the following custom SKAction working but as an EaseIn instead EaseOut. I want it to EaseOut! I have failed miserably to correct it using various easing equations found around the web.
let duration = 2.0
let initialX = cameraNode.position.x
let customEaseOut = SKAction.customActionWithDuration(duration, actionBlock: {node, elapsedTime in
let t = Double(elapsedTime)/duration
let b = Double(initialX)
let c = Double(targetPoint.x)
let p = t*t*t*t*t
let l = b*(1-p) + c*p
node.position.x = CGFloat(l)
Any help would be much appreciate.
We can modify the following code to allow the custom action to ease-out instead of ease-in
let t = Double(elapsedTime)/duration
let p = t*t*t*t*t
To get a better understanding of p
, it is helpful to plot it as a function of t
Clearly, the function eases in over time. Changing the definition of t
let t = 1 - Double(elapsedTime)/duration
and plotting p
The action now eases out, but it starts at 1 and ends at 0. To resolve this, change the definition of p
let p = 1-t*t*t*t*t