From Nexus 5X spec it has 411x731 dp screen size.
How I understand that:
If I want recycler view with 2 column in portrait mode I should define column_count value in dimens.xml
<integer name="column_count">2</integer>
If I want recycler view with 3 column in landscape I should define column_count value = 3 in w-720dp dimens.xml. But it does not work. Recycler view has only 2 column.
But if define column_count value = 3 in w-600dp dimens.xml it works.
I don't understand why my nexus 5X uses values from w-600dp bucket in landscape while it has 731 dp screen width when in landscape.
Thank You!
For an mdpi
device 1dp = 1px, and mdpi
corresponds to 160 lcd density. The Nexus 5x has an lcd density of 480 (as specified in /system/build.prop
), so on that device 1dp = 3px (because 480/160 = 3). The screen dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels, so divide by 3 and you get 640x360 dp (or 360x640 dp in landscape). Seems to me the device is acting perfectly fine.
Generally speaking, -w720
or -sw720
matches large tablets, and -w600
or -sw600
matches smaller tablets (and sometimes very large phones).