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Django-Piston - I Can't POST on a model with a ForeignKey

I'm trying to set up piston on my Django project. I ran into a brick wall when I tried to POST (create) a new entry on a model that contains a ForeignKey: location.

Here is the exact error I receive:

Cannot assign "u'1'": "Fest.location" must be a "Location" instance.

In the above example, I tried to send over location=1 in the POST.

What am I doing wrong here? Surely Foreign Keys are supported on CREATEs...

To be clear, I'm using PISTON to handle these REST API requests. My Handler currently looks like this:

class FestHandler(BaseHandler):
    model = Fest`  


  • You need to assign an actual object. Something like the following should work:

    loc = Location.objects.get(pk=1)
    obj.location = loc

    where obj is the model you're trying to save which has location as a foreign key.