I want to write this macro in ~/.lldbinit
command regex pxml 's/(.+)/p xmlElemDump(stdout, %1, xmlDocGetRootElement(%1))/' -h "Dump the contents of an XML tree."
But it is too long and I want to break it into multi lines like this:
command regex pxml
's/(.+)/p xmlElemDump(stdout, %1, xmlDocGetRootElement(%1))/'
-h "Dump the contents of an XML tree."
command regex pxml\
's/(.+)/p xmlElemDump(stdout, %1, xmlDocGetRootElement(%1))/'\
-h "Dump the contents of an XML tree."
Unfortunately both of them cause this error:
Enter one of more sed substitution commands in the form: 's/<regex>/<subst>/'.
Terminate the substitution list with an empty line.
How can I break the macro into multi lines?
lldb doesn't have a continuation character. That would be tricky in some of the free-form commands, particularly the "print" command. But would be useful in these cases. Feel free to file a bug requesting this with the lldb/llvm bug tracker: https://llvm.org/bugs/.
In most cases where a command has a few options, then takes a set of inputs, the command can enter a little mini-editor for the set of inputs. This is true for command regex
. So in command line lldb, you would see:
(lldb) command regex whatever -h "some help" -s "some syntax"
Enter one of more sed substitution commands in the form: 's/<regex>/<subst>/'.
Terminate the substitution list with an empty line.
> s/First/Replacement/
> s/Second/Replacement/
The command source
function that also reads the .lldbinit works by feeding the command file as a stream to the interpreter. So you need to mock up what the command line does:
command regex whatever -h "some help" -s "some syntax"
That's not quite right, there has to be a blank line in the input file after the last substitution to terminate the substitutions, but I can't convince this markup to include it in the code block. But you get the idea.