I understand how Reader or Maybe or State monads work, but havig hard times with Continuations monad. Examples like below, blow my head
type ContinuationMonad() =
member this.Bind (m, f) = fun c -> m (fun a -> f a c)
member this.Return x = fun k -> k x
I think that my problem is that I cannot get what is a monadic type for Continuation (like Cont<'T>) and how i can unwrap it and wrap back. Any helpful examples or links are highly appreciated.
I will not repeat what has been said elsewhere - the post mentioned in the comments gives a lot of details about the continuation monad. But one thing that might help is to rewrite your code snippet with an explicit definition for Cont<'T>
type Cont<'T> =
Cont of (('T -> unit) -> unit)
The type Cont<'T>
represents a computation. You can start it by giving it a function 'T -> unit
that takes the result and does something with it (say, prints it). When you start it, it returns unit
and it will (at some point) produce a value 'T
and call the continuation you provided.
With this more explicit definition, the builder can be defined as:
type ContinuationMonad() =
member this.Bind (ma, f) =
Cont(fun k ->
let (Cont ca) = ma
ca (fun a ->
let (Cont cb) = f a
cb k))
member this.Return x =
Cont(fun k -> k x)
The Return
member creates a computation that, when given a continuation k
, calls this continuation immediately with the value x
that we returned.
The Bind
member returns a new computation that, when given a continuation k
, starts the computation specified by m
; when this computation produces a value a
, it calls the function f
and then calls the computation returned by f
with the original continuation k
(which is the "final" continuation that should eventually be called with the final result).