I have had many problems after closing Xcode
which one of them is that Xcode Storyboard is not updating Custom Class Designables anymore and do not show the content. For example I use "SkyFloatingLabelTextField" which worked perfeclty before so I can't blame the library. Is there some way so I can force it to update it?
What I mean illustration:
As you can see, in the first picture I have assigned the custom class and there is actually textField
inside my viewController which for some reason doesn't show up anymore in Storyboard but works on real device or simulator.
So can I force it somehow?
I tried removing the class and all runtime values, clean, build close Xcode but nothing is working.
Huhh... Enabling "Automatically refresh views" did the trick. For some reason it was turned off in my case. If you do not know what I mean, then it is the setting in Editor -> Automatically refresh views