Hey everyone so I am trying to access boolean variables from a separate class called mcPressMachine
using my main class SmashyFoodEngine
. What I want to do is when the score is >= 6 then change the boolean values like so in my Main Engine Class Enter Frame Event:
if (nScore >= 6)
for each(var AllPresses:mcPressMachine in aPressMachineArray)
AllPresses.level_1 = false;
AllPresses.level_2 = true;
in my mcPressMachine
class I have the booleans set up to control what frames of that Movie Clip class on the timeline will be played next. So basically if level_1 is true then play randome frames from (1,8) if level_2 is true then frames (9,13) etc... Which is setup like so in the pressMachine Class:
public var level_1:Boolean = true;
public var level_2:Boolean = false;
private function init():void
if (level_1)
var randomFrameLevel_1:Number = randomNumber(1, 8);
if (level_2)
var randomFrameLevel_2:Number = randomNumber(9, 13);
so When I trace it and the score is >= 6 the boolean values change perfectly but nothing happens on the screen. The Movie Clips are the exact same and dont change to the level_2 frames (9-13);
Also this is the Movie clip in my Main Class that is added to the stage and im trying to change:
private function addNewPressMachines():void
//have array of press machines come out 5 at a time.
for (var i:int = 0; i < 2; i++)
//trace(aPressMachineArray.length + "PRESS MACHINES");
pressMachine = new mcPressMachine();
pressMachine.x = startPoint.x + (xSpacing * i);
pressMachine.y = (stage.stageHeight / 2);
stage.addChildAt(pressMachine, 1);
pressMachine.inner.top.visible = false;
pressMachine.inner.top.topText.text = " " + sharedObjectHighScore.data.highScore;
Can anyone see if I am doing something wrong? I don't get any errors just not working properly. Any advice would be awesome. Thank you!
This is the best I can do at the moment.
var _var1:Boolean;
var _var2:Boolean;
public function MyClass(first:Boolean,second:Boolean):void{
this._var1 = first;
this._var2 = second;
if (_var1 == true) {
// stuff
if (_var2 == true){
// etc.
This passes your arguments from into the constructor code and saves the values in properties of that class instance.
Or even simpler
var _level:int;
public function MyClass(lev:int=1):void{
this._level = lev;
if (lev == 1){
// do stuff
} else if (lev==2){
// etc
You'll notice here that I've set the _level
value equal to the lev
argument. That's really only necessary if you need the instance of this class to have a _level
property for other things. You see I could have just as well done this:
public function MyClass(lev:int=1):void{
if (lev == 1){
// do stuff
} else if (lev==2){
// etc
in which I leave out the declaration of the _level
property both in the class definition and also in the constructor code. What this means is you can pass variables into a constructor without that information being permanently stored in that specific instance of the class, but still have those parameters affect the result permanently.
And then when you instantiate a new instance of that class just do
var myInstance = new MyClass(true, false); // using the first example
or in my better, simpler version
var myInstance:MyClass = new MyClass(2); // for the second example