Is it possible to receive google drive push notifications if coded on aws lambda via api gateway? Google drive requires the webhook address to be verified so is it possible to verify api gateway endpoint?
Here are the possible ways of verifying the endpoint:
1) Upload a file and test via /file and the rest are below:
Well, here is the image of how google does metatag verification: In order to get the required verification meta tag, I need to first enter which url/endpoint I want to verify. So below image shows the endpoint that I created:
Then here in webmaster I am verifying the url: But the verification fails.
Here is the python code that I added
Please guide here of how I can make verification successful!
I got this working finally.
So as mentioned by @Balaji and @Jack Kohn, I have to use custom domains. I followed this tutorial
And the last step of mapping body templates is here:
Sorry for so many cuttings but had to hide the values provided.