I have an Array with Objects. In short
Array =[
{id = 1, products='1,2'} //products consist of String with Products Seperates by','
{id = 2, products='1'}
{id = 3, products='3'}
{id = 4, products='1,2,3'}
{id = 5, products='2,3'}
SelectedProd = ['2,3']// consists a String as well seperated by ','
This are all Displayed in a Table. Im writing now a Filter to show only the ones which are selected through a MultipleSelect.
Therefore I want filter all Objects where at least one Product is in products
So my Filter is getting the Objects and the Selected Products
.filter('filterByProd', () => {
return (objects,prod) => {
var filtered = [];
FIlter Array
return filtered;
If a User Selects Product = '2,3'
it shall return me the Objects with the id=1/3/4/5..
As well clearly if nothing selected return all.
If possible using lodash but other solutions accepted as well.
The problem I have is the Functions are just listed in lodash Docu and cant read everyone which I need.
At the moment Iam stuck at
.filter('filterByProd', () => {
return (items,prod) => {
var filtered = [];
filtered = _.filter(items,['products',prod]);
return filtered;
This is giving me out only the exact matches with '2,3'
-> Object = id=5
I need something
filtered = findAllWhere(selectedProducts,iterateOverSendObjects(checkProductsOfObjects)+_.ifIsAtLeastOneOfSendProducts))
You can use lodash's intersection method to get your desired result.
var a = arr.filter(x => {
return _.intersection(
x.products.split(','), SelectedProd[0].split(',')
).length > 0;
Here's a working inline fiddle:
var arr = [
{id : 1, products:'1,2'},
{id : 2, products:'1'},
{id: 3, products:'3'},
{id : 4, products:'1,2,3'},
{id : 5, products:'2,3'}];
var SelectedProd = ['2,3'];
var a = arr.filter(x => {
return _.intersection(
x.products.split(','), SelectedProd[0].split(',')).length>0;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.16.4/lodash.js"></script>
Explanation :
Lodash _.intersection returns intersection of two arrays if it exists, or else returns []. We use a filter to filter only those objects where the intersection is non-empty