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Azure-AD OIDC: Any Logging Available?

Where do I find logging on why there was a failure on an Azure-AD OpenId Connect login?

I've created an application under: -> Azure AD -> App Registrations

And created a key for the said application under the same location, "Keys".

I'm attempting to use passport-azure-ad to authenticate to the end-point and have it mostly working, but I believe I need more additional server-side logging details to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Currently, I successfully am redirected by my applcation to the following location where I am given an option to login:

When I successfully login, I get:

Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.

We received a bad request.

I'm assuming there must be some logging somewhere to tell me more details on what is bad.


  • Okay, apparently I did not notice the details at the bottom of the error page referenced above, in itty bitty print.

    In my specific situation this included:

    Additional technical information:
    Correlation ID: 891cdfd8-9aa1-4f8b-a538-9accdd9705f7
    Timestamp: 2016-10-14 16:38:37Z
    AADSTS70001: Application '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' is not supported for this API version.

    Why I'm getting this, I still don't understand; but that isn't really my original question anyway. I also imagine that these details, or additional details are logged somewhere else and it would be helpful to know where they are.

    As a result I'm leaving this open to see if anyone has a better answer.