I am trying to pass variables stored in href links to a function. Im able to define the variables from the query results. My problem is passing it to the function once the hyperlink is clicked. This is my code:
foreach($pdo->query('SELECT * FROM sk_courses ORDER BY courseID') as $row)
echo "<a href='#' onclick='hrefClick(".$row['courseID'].");'/>".$row['courseID']."</a><br>";
This is the function:
function hrefClick($course){
I was able to find a way to get it done? It seems pretty straightforward. This is what I came up with.
foreach($pdo->query('SELECT * FROM sk_courses ORDER BY courseID') as $row){
echo "<form name='course".$row['courseID']."' action='index.php' method='GET'/>";
echo "<a href='javascript: document.course".$row['courseID'].".submit();'/>".$row['courseID']."</a>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='courseID' value='".$row['courseID']."'/><br>";
echo "</form>";