There are many questions on this topic, but my situation is quite strange.
I am trying to print out exec("sudo -u root whoami")
in php. But it returns nothing.
I added %www-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
via sudo visudo
but no luck on what is happenning, no error, just not printing out anything.
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance
How is your webserver going to enter the password for sudo
Your configuration allows the webserver-user to run all commands on the server. But that requires the user to enter their password. And the webserver
So if you want to do what you try to do (giving the process running PHP root-access to the machine is a very bad idea) you should add this to your sudo-config:
%www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/whoami
That allows the group www-data to run whoami
as root without an interctive password-prompt