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Does "git svn" command use any binaries/dlls to access a subversion server?

After running git svn fetch [remote] command from my apache subversion server I see the incoming request user agent as "SVN/1.9.3 (x86_64-pc-msys) serf/1.3.8".

I need to know how git svn fetch command works. I have already seen perl scripts (, but couldn't identify how git uses subversion tools or library to access subversion a repository.

The subversion server and client (Git for windows 2.10.1) are running on windows.


  • The git svn shim ultimately relies on the Subversion's own client library and the libraries it depends on.

    In my relatively dusty Git install these are named after msys-svn_*.dll and are located in the usr\bin directory under the root directory of the GfW installation.