I am trying to make an arc plot similar to arcdiagram package, using ggplot2's geom_curve
ggplot(myDat, aes(x = A, xend = B, y = 0, yend = 0)) +
geom_curve(alpha = 0.2, curvature = 1, ncp = 1000, lineend = 'butt')
Some curves go below 0, how can I make them all to go above Y = 0?
myDat <-
structure(list(A = c(36047276L, 36074979L, 36074979L, 36074979L,
36074979L, 36074979L, 36074979L, 36074979L, 36074979L, 36074979L,
36074979L, 36077099L, 36077099L, 36077099L, 36077099L, 36077099L,
36077099L, 36077099L, 36077099L, 36098040L, 36098040L, 36098040L,
36098040L, 36098040L, 36098040L, 36098040L, 36098040L, 36098040L,
36098040L, 36098040L, 36098040L, 36098040L, 36098040L, 36098040L,
36098040L, 36098040L, 36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L,
36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L,
36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L, 36099840L,
36099840L, 36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L,
36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L,
36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L, 36101586L,
36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L,
36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L,
36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L, 36103565L),
B = c(36047417L,
36077099L, 36077279L, 36077863L, 36078510L, 36079111L, 36079565L,
36080165L, 36080428L, 36082473L, 36082907L, 36074979L, 36077279L,
36077863L, 36078510L, 36079111L, 36079565L, 36080165L, 36082907L,
36096300L, 36097775L, 36098987L, 36099840L, 36099952L, 36100767L,
36101156L, 36101586L, 36101633L, 36101926L, 36102035L, 36102381L,
36102833L, 36103149L, 36103565L, 36103872L, 36104121L, 36096300L,
36097775L, 36098040L, 36098987L, 36099952L, 36100767L, 36101156L,
36101586L, 36101633L, 36101926L, 36102035L, 36102381L, 36102833L,
36103149L, 36103565L, 36103872L, 36104121L, 36096300L, 36097775L,
36098040L, 36098987L, 36099840L, 36099952L, 36100767L, 36101156L,
36101633L, 36101926L, 36102035L, 36102381L, 36102833L, 36103149L,
36103565L, 36103872L, 36104121L, 36096300L, 36097775L, 36098040L,
36098987L, 36099840L, 36099952L, 36100767L, 36101156L, 36101586L,
36101633L, 36101926L, 36102035L, 36102381L, 36102833L, 36103149L,
36103872L, 36104121L)), .Names = c("A", "B"),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -87L))
Based on curvature
the curve will either bend left or right. This means in this case, that when the curve is drawn from A to B, and curvature is 1 it will have a right-hand bend. Therefore if A smaller than B, the curve will be 'negative' (below the y-axis) and if A is larger than B it will be positive.
One way to get all curves on the same side is with two geom_curve
s, one for each situation:
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = A, xend = B, y = 0, yend = 0)) +
geom_curve(data = subset(myDat, A > B),
alpha = 0.2, curvature = 1, ncp = 1000, lineend = 'butt') +
geom_curve(data = subset(myDat, A < B),
alpha = 0.2, curvature = -1, ncp = 1000, lineend = 'butt')
Or, we can swap the pairs around when they are aligned the wrong way:
myDat2 <- myDat
myDat2$A <- pmax(myDat$A, myDat$B)
myDat2$B <- pmin(myDat$A, myDat$B)
ggplot(myDat2, aes(x = A, xend = B, y = 0, yend = 0)) +
geom_curve(alpha = 0.2, curvature = 1, ncp = 1000, lineend = 'butt')
Both result in: