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ActionController::RoutingError: uninitialized constant Api::V1::ApiController

I have Rails 5 API project for controlling user tasks and I have the following error but not always for the same controller and route.

ActionController::RoutingError: uninitialized constant Api::V1::ApiController

I describe you a little bit my project to explain in more detail the error.

App structure

enter image description here


scope module: 'api' do
  namespace :v1 do

    # => Login routes
    scope module: 'login' do
      match 'login', to: 'sessions#login', as: 'login', via: :post

    # => Team routes
    scope module: 'team' do

      # => no admin routes
      resources :tasks, except: [:index] do
        collection do
          match ':view', to: 'tasks#index', as: 'tasks', via: [:get, :post]


API Controller

module Api
  class ApiController < ApplicationController

    def respond_with_errors(object)
      render json: {errors: ErrorSerializer.serialize(object)}, status: :unprocessable_entity


Team Controller

module Api::V1
  class Team::TeamController < ApiController

Tasks Controller

module Api::V1
  class Team::TasksController < Team::TeamController

Login Controller

module Api::V1
  class Login::LoginController < ApiController

Sessions Controller

module Api::V1
  class Login::SessionsController < Login::LoginController

When I execute login route and after tasks route, I get the error in last route and all the routes in team module. If I change the project and save it (only one blank space) and then I execute tasks route and after login route, I get the error in last route and all the routes in login module.

It doesn't have any sense...

Rails server in this errors enter image description here enter image description here


  • You should be using the right constant while inheriting - ::Api::ApiController:

    module Api::V1
      class Team::TeamController < ::Api::ApiController

    because otherwise it is searching for Api::V1::ApiController, but should search for Api::ApiController