I have a problem in Odoo 9 Community Edition, I changed the decimal accuracy of the database fields to 3 as stated to below And also the rounding in Accounting/Currencies. Everything works fine only in these two interfaces:
1: Sales orders interface
2: A sale order
The good thing is that in invoicing, everything is fine:
1: Client Invoices
2: An invoice
Is there any solution to this issue?
In Odoo 9, all the fields related to amount have changed the field type to "Monetary". Most of them are formatted using widget="monetary". In order for it to work according to the currency setting, "currency_id" field is required. Hence "currency_id" field must be included in the view. For example, in sale.order.form view
. . .
<tree string="Sales Order Lines" editable="bottom" decoration-info="invoice_status=='to invoice'">
. . .
<field name="price_subtotal" widget="monetary"/>
<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/> <!-- Add this line -->
. . .
The subtotal will then be formatted according to the currency of the sales order.