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Is there a way to emit HTML directly into an FsLab journal from the .fsx file?

I'd like to emit some html (generated from my F# code) into a FsLab journal but cannot seem to find the correct incantation to make it happen.

If I have a function in my code that returns an html snippet is there a way to get this directly into the page without being surrounded by a <pre> tag?

I have tried, for example:

let f () = 
    """Some <b>bold</b> sample"""
let htmlContent = f ()


(*** include-value:htmlContent ***)

but the output is just the html code itself formatted like output.

I took a dive into the F# formatting GH pages and found the (*** raw ***) command so I also tried:

(*** include-value:htmlContent, raw ***)

but the output still gets surrounded by the <pre> & <code> tags.

Is it possible to simply emit raw html in this way without the <pre> tag?


  • If you are using the latest version, then you can add custom HTML printers using fsi.AddHtmlPrinter. We need to improve FsLab docs, but this is also used by F# Interactive Service in Atom.

    To emit raw HTML, you can include something like this in your script:

    (*** hide ***)
    type Html = Html of string
    fsi.AddHtmlPrinter(fun (Html h) ->
      seq [], h)

    Then, you should be able to create HTML nodes with:

    let b = Html("""Some <b>bold</b> sample""")
    (*** include-value:b ***)