I have a private section within a site with a folder structure like so
Then some subfolders eg
There is a shared functions.php alongside the login.php
(creates $connection, mysql blah blah)
I have various subfolders and files i wish to connect to functions.php, some created dynamically so the solution should work from any file/folder position whatsoever.
Just to clarify:
Because the same file could be called within different folders I would like it to call the functions.php file not from where the file is but in relation to the root folder. So without relative ../ etc references
my question: How can i access a required php file from any file within my website?
My advice is never rely on any external path configuration (such as DOCUMENT_ROOT
). Instead, use paths relative to the current script...
From login.php
require_once __DIR__ . '/functions.php';
From grandmasRecipes/applePie.php
require_once __DIR__ . '/../functions.php';
See http://php.net/manual/language.constants.predefined.php#constant.dir
An alternative might be to set the include_path
for the current environment. You can do this in say a .user.ini
file in your document root
; /home/cpanelLogIn/public_html/.user.ini
Then you can simply use
require_once 'privatePath/secretFolder/functions.php';