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I want to automatically fix my CSS source files, but I get an endless loop

I use gulp-stylefmt and it run every time I save any CSS file:

function stylelint () {
  return gulp.src('src/**/*.css')

Same time watches the path src/**/*.css and run stylelint task again.

Console output:

[16:32:24] Starting 'stylelint'...
[16:32:25] Finished 'stylelint' after 554 ms
[16:32:25] Starting 'stylelint'...
[16:32:25] Finished 'stylelint' after 60 ms
[16:32:25] Starting 'stylelint'...
[16:32:25] Finished 'stylelint' after 33 ms
[16:32:25] Starting 'stylelint'...
[16:32:25] Finished 'stylelint' after 36 ms
[16:32:26] Starting 'stylelint'...
[16:32:26] Finished 'stylelint' after 34 ms
[16:32:26] Starting 'stylelint'...
[16:32:26] Finished 'stylelint' after 29 ms
[16:32:26] Starting 'stylelint'...
[16:32:26] Finished 'stylelint' after 27 ms
[16:32:26] Starting 'stylelint'…
[16:32:26] Finished 'stylelint' after 32 ms

There is a way to correct this behavior and run stylelint task only one time?

UPD. I added gulp-cached and now it runs only twice. Can I improve it to run once?

function stylelint () {
  return gulp.src('src/**/*.css')


  • I think I repeated the solution 1 by @SvenSchoenung with since and gulp.lastRun. In my case I did it without gulp-cached, but I use gulp4

    function stylelint () {
      return gulp.src('src/**/*.css', {since: gulp.lastRun(stylelint)})