See image for what I have going on
So the red column will at some point, which is different every day, change from 20 to 50. The start cell up top uses that lookup formula to find when this is. So for this example it is 10/11/16 14:37. I want to graph the green and blue columns, starting at that cell time and ending at the end time (which is just a max() of the times to get the end time).
I've looked into offset and name manager but I am really confused on those. Either using VBA or something else to change the graph (on a different sheet) to start at whatever that start time is would be awesome.
You can try the following: In the column AL set, in each cell, the value to be defined by the following formula
AL1 = IF(AI1<50,0,1)
AL2 and following = IF(AL1=1,1,IF(AI2<50,0,1))