We have custom functions implemented in 11G. We are upgrading our servers to 12C. At this point; my custom functions are not recognized.
All custom functions are in a jar file. This jar is in the same directory as the oracle.soa.ext.jar that contains the manifest for the path.
The contents of that manifest.mf are:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.2
Created-By: 1.8.0_40-ea-b08 (Oracle Corporation)
Implementation-Vendor: Oracle
Implementation-Title: Oracle SOA EXT
Implementation-Version: 12.1.2
Product-Name: Oracle SOA EXT
Specification-Version: 11.1.1
Extension-Name: oracle.soa.ext
Class-Path: f17UserDefinedFunctions.jar classes
This has been working for some time in 11G but I am getting "not found" errors trying to use custom functions in 12C.
We are on Linux servers.
Is there a difference in 12C that I need to be aware of?
We are still working with Oracle to resolve an issue but discovered along the way that we were loading the extended xPath functions just fine.
The problem is deeper in. A couple of the actual functions don't seem to be working properly on the new server.
Since the actual issue is not related to the question - I thought it should be closed.