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Migrating Custom Function Jar from 11G to 12C

We have custom functions implemented in 11G. We are upgrading our servers to 12C. At this point; my custom functions are not recognized.

All custom functions are in a jar file. This jar is in the same directory as the oracle.soa.ext.jar that contains the manifest for the path.

The contents of that are:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.2
Created-By: 1.8.0_40-ea-b08 (Oracle Corporation)
Implementation-Vendor: Oracle
Implementation-Title: Oracle SOA EXT
Implementation-Version: 12.1.2
Product-Name: Oracle SOA EXT
Specification-Version: 11.1.1
Extension-Name: oracle.soa.ext
Class-Path: f17UserDefinedFunctions.jar classes 

This has been working for some time in 11G but I am getting "not found" errors trying to use custom functions in 12C.

We are on Linux servers.

Is there a difference in 12C that I need to be aware of?


  • We are still working with Oracle to resolve an issue but discovered along the way that we were loading the extended xPath functions just fine.

    The problem is deeper in. A couple of the actual functions don't seem to be working properly on the new server.

    Since the actual issue is not related to the question - I thought it should be closed.