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C# Return Interface by DllExport

Im trying to return Interface about data encryption from Method in C# by RobertGiesecke UnmanagedExports

Here my codes :

    public class Crypter : ICrypter

    public bool Encrypt(IntPtr data)
        /* Sorry I Can't Show How I Do This */

        Marshal.Copy(encdata, 0, data, encdata.Length);

        return true;

    public bool Decrypt(IntPtr data)
        /* Sorry I Can't Show How I Do This */

        return true;

public interface ICrypter
    bool Encrypt(IntPtr data);
    bool Decrypt(IntPtr data);

My exported function :

    [DllExport("CreateCrypter", CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
    public static ICrypter CreateCrypter()
        return new Crypter();

at C++ part :

class ICrypter
    virtual int testFunc1();
    virtual int testFunc2();


And here Wrapper

typedef ICrypter*(*CreateCrypter)();

HMODULE mylib = LoadLibrary(L"C:\\Users\\Moien\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\UnmanagedInterfaces\\MyLibrary\\bin\\Debug\\MyLibrary.dll");

After that code i use GetProcAddress and test my add function for make sure my functions exported but i call CreateCrypter and my program crash's

Solved by help from (

    public static IntPtr GetInterfacePointer(Delegate[] functions)
        // Allocate object layout in memory 
        // - pointer to VTBL table
        // - following that the VTBL itself - count of functions
        IntPtr nativePointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size * (1 + functions.Count()));

        // virtual table
        IntPtr vtblPtr = IntPtr.Add(nativePointer, IntPtr.Size);

        Marshal.WriteIntPtr(nativePointer, vtblPtr);

        for (int i = 0; i < functions.Count(); i++)
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(IntPtr.Add(vtblPtr, IntPtr.Size * i),

        return nativePointer;


  • Solved by help from (

    public static IntPtr GetInterfacePointer(Delegate[] functions)
        // Allocate object layout in memory 
        // - pointer to VTBL table
        // - following that the VTBL itself - count of functions
        IntPtr nativePointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size * (1 + functions.Count()));
        // virtual table
        IntPtr vtblPtr = IntPtr.Add(nativePointer, IntPtr.Size);
        Marshal.WriteIntPtr(nativePointer, vtblPtr);
        for (int i = 0; i < functions.Count(); i++)
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(IntPtr.Add(vtblPtr, IntPtr.Size * i),
        return nativePointer;