Is there a proper way of excluding fields from showing up in the create form of Flask-admin? I would normally do something like this in order to specify which fields to show on the create and edit form:
class UserView(sqla.ModelView):
form_create_rules = { 'username' }
form_edit_rules = ('username', 'photos')
Even though this works as expected, I get the following warning when running my application:
UserWarning: Fields missing from ruleset: photos
Is there a better way of defining what fields to show on each form that doesn't give me that error?
If I understand correctly, you can use properties of the ModelView class:
- Collection of the model field names for the form. If set to None will get them from the model.
- Collection of the model field names for the form. If set to None will get them from the model.
You can find more info inside Flask-Admin Docs.
I also should mention that this will work for both Create and Edit forms.