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why do interactive parts of UITextview require a long press?

I need to make part of a text interactive, this is a screenshot of what I made so far, which is good, but the problems are

1- it requires a long tap

2- and force me to have the text selectable

any idea about how to solve this?

clickable uilabel

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextViewDelegate
    @IBOutlet weak var textView: UITextView!

    override func viewDidLoad()
        let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "text with a link", attributes: nil)
        attributedString.setSubstringAsLink(substring: "link", linkURL: "CUSTOM://WHATEVER")
        let linkAttributes: [String : AnyObject] = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.redColor(), NSUnderlineColorAttributeName : UIColor.redColor(), NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName : NSUnderlineStyle.StyleSingle.rawValue]
        textView.linkTextAttributes = linkAttributes
        textView.attributedText = attributedString
        textView.selectable = true
        textView.editable = false
        textView.userInteractionEnabled = true
        textView.delegate = self

    func textView(textView: UITextView, shouldInteractWithURL URL: NSURL, inRange characterRange: NSRange) -> Bool
        if URL == "CUSTOM://WHATEVER"
        return true
    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning()
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

extension NSMutableAttributedString
    public func setSubstringAsLink(substring substring: String, linkURL: String) -> Bool
        let range = self.mutableString.rangeOfString(substring)
        if range.location != NSNotFound
            self.addAttribute(NSLinkAttributeName, value: linkURL, range: range)
            return true
        return false


  • I don't know how to solve your specific issues but I guess you are better of subclassing UILabel instead of UITextView. Also, try to not re-invent the wheel, use TTAttributedLabel or similar libraries to do what you want.